正文 DECEMBER, 1942


Dearest Kitty,

Hanukkah and St. Nicholas Day nearly cided this year; they were only one day apart. We didnt make much of a fuss with Hanukkah, merely exging a few small gifts and lighting the dles. Since dles are in short supply, we lit them for only ten minutes, but as long as we sing the song, that doesnt matter. Mr. van Daan made a menorah out of wood, so that was taken care of too.

St. Nicholas Day on Saturday was much more fun. During dinner Bep and Miep were so busy whispering to Father that our curiosity was aroused and we suspected they were up to something. Sure enough, at eight oclock we all trooped downstairs through the hall in pitch darkness (it gave me the shivers, and I wished I was safely back upstairs!) to the alcove. We could swit the light, sihis room doesnt have any windows. When that was done, Father opehe big et.

"Oh, how wonderful!" we all cried.

In the er was a large basket decorated with colorful paper a……(内容加载失败!)




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