正文 MAY, 1943


Dearest Kitty,

Yesterday was Dussels birthday. At first he acted as if he didnt want to celebrate it, but when Miep arrived with a large shopping bag overflowing with gifts, he was as excited as a little kid. His darling Lotje" has sent him eggs, butter, cookies, lemonade, bread, ac, spice cake, flowers, es, chocolate, books and writing paper. He piled his presents on a table and displayed them for no fewer than three days, the silly old goat!

You musthe idea that hes starving. We found bread, cheese, jam and eggs in his cupboard. Its absolutely disgraceful that Dussel, whom weve treated with such kindness and whom we took in to save from destru, should stuff himself behind our backs and not give us anything. After all, weve shared all we had with him! But whats worse, in our opinion, is that hes so stingy with resper. Kleiman, Mr.

Voskuijl and Bep. He doesnt give them a thing. In Dussels view the es that Kleiman so badly needs for……(内容加载失败!)




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