正文 AUGUST, 1943


Dearest Kitty,

Things are going well on the political front. Italy has bahe Fascist Party. The people are fighting the Fascists in many places -- even the army has joihe fight. How a try like that tio wage war against England?

Our beautiful radio was taken away last week. Dussel was very angry at Mr. Kugler for turning it in on the appointed day. Dussel is slipping lower and lower in my estimation, and hes already below zero. hatever he says about politics, histeography or ything else is so ridiculous that I hardly dare repeat it: Hitler will fade from history; the harbor in Rotterdam is bigger than the one in Hamburg; the English are idiots for not taking the opportunity to bomb Italy to smithereec., etc.

We just had a third air raid. I decided to grit my teeth and practice being ceous.

Mrs. van Daan, the one who always said "Let them fall" and "Better to end with a bang than not to end at all," is the most cowardly one among u……(内容加载失败!)




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