正文 SEPTEMBER, 1943


Dearest Kitty,

Every time I write to you, something special has happened, usually unpleasant rather than pleasant. This time, however, something wonderful is going on.

On Wednesday, September 8, we were listening to the seven ocloews when we heard an annou: "Here is some of the best news of the war so far: Italy has capitulated." Italy has unditionally surrehe Dutch broadcast from England began at eight-fifteen with the news: "Listeners, an hour and fifteen minutes ago, just as I finished writing my daily report, we received the wonderful news of Italys capitulation. I tell you, I ossed my notes into the aper basket with more delight than I did today!”

"God Save the King," the Ameriational anthem and the Russian Iionale”

were played. As always, the Dutch program lifting without being too optimistic.

The British have landed in Naples. Northern Italy is occupied by the Germans. The truce was signed on Friday, September 3, the ……(内容加载失败!)




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