正文 AUGUST, 1944


Dearest Kitty,

"A bundle of tradis" was the end of my previous letter and is the beginning of this one. you please tell me exactly what "a bundle of tradis" is? What does "tradiean? Like so many words, it be interpreted in two ways: a tradiposed from without and one imposed from within. The former means not accepting other peoples opinions, always knowi, having the last word; in short, all those unpleasant traits for which Im known. The latter, for which Im not known, is my ow.

As Ive told you many times, Im split in two. One side tains my exuberant cheerfulness, my flippancy, my joy in life and, above all, my abthty to appreciate the lighter side of things. By that I mean not finding anything wrong with flirtations, a kiss, an embrace, an off-color joke. This side of me is usually lying in wait to ambush the other one, which is much purer, deeper and finer. No one knows Annes better side, and thats why most people t stand me. ……(内容加载失败!)




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