Dehortations from the use of strong liquors have been the favourite topic of sober declaimers in all ages, and have been received with applause by water-drinking critics. But with the patient himself, the man that is to be cured, unfortuheir sound has seldom prevailed. Yet the evil is aowledged, the remedy simple. Abstain. No force oblige a man to raise his glass to his head against his will. Tis as easy as not to steal, not to tell lies.

Alas! The hand to pilfer, and the too bear false witness, have no stitutional tendency. These are as indifferent to them. At the first instance of the reformed will, they be brought off without a murmur. The itg finger is but a figure in speech, and the tongue of the liar with the same natural delight give forth useful truths with which it has been aced to scatter their pernicious traries. But when a man has itted sot-----

Oh pause, thou sturdy moralist, thou person of stout nerves and a strong head, whose liver is ……(内容加载失败!)




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