THE pliments of the season to my worthy masters, and a merry first of April to us all!

Many happy returns of this day to you -- and you --and you, Sir -- nay, never frown, man, nor put a long face upoter. Do not we know one another? what need of ceremony among friends? we have all a touch of that same -- you uand me -- a speck of the motley. Beshrew the man who on such a day as this, the general festival, should affect to stand aloof. I am none of those sneakers. I am free of the corporation, and care not who knows it. He that meets me in the forest to-day, shall meet with no wise-acre, I tell him. Stultus sum. Translate me that, and take the meaning of it to yourself for your pains. What, man, we have four quarters of the globe on our side, at the least putation.

Fill us a cup of that sparkling gooseberry -- we will drink no wise, melancholy, politic port on this day -- a us troll the catiens -- duc ad me -- duc ad me -- how goes it?

Here shall he see……(内容加载失败!)




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A CHAPTER ON EARS. I have no ear -目录+书签-->