I am of a stitution so general, that it sorts and sympathizeth with all things, I have no antipathy, or rather idiosyncra any thing. Those national repugnancies do not touch me, nor do I behold with prejudice the French, Italian, Spaniard, or Dutch -- Religio Medici.

That the author of the Religio Medici, mounted upon the airy stilts of abstra, versant about notional and jectural essences; in whose categories of Being the possible took the upper hand of the actual; should have overlooked the imperti individualities of such poor cretions as mankind, is not much to be admired. It is rather to be wo, that in the genus of animals he should have desded to distinguish that species at all. For myself-earth.hound aered to the se of my activities, --

Standing oh, not rapt above the sky,

I fess that I do feel the differenankind, national or individual, to an uhy excess. I look with no indifferent eye upon things or persons. Whatever is, is to me a matter of tast……(内容加载失败!)




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