Bridget Elia has been my housekeeper for many a long year. I have obligations tet, extending beyond the period of memory. We house together, old bachelor and maid, in a sort of double singleness; with such tolerable fort, upon the whole, that I, for one, find in myself no sort of disposition to go out upon the mountains, with the rash kings offspring, to bewail my celibacy. We agree pretty well in our tastes and habit -- yet so, as "with a difference." We are generally in harmony, with occasional bickerings as it should be among near relations. Our sympathies are rather uood, than expressed; and once, upon my dissembling a tone in my voice more kind than ordinary, my cousin burst into tears, and plaihat I was altered. We are both great readers in different dires. While I am hanging over (for the thousandth time) some passage in old Burton, or one of his strange poraries, she is abstracted in some modern tale, or adventure, whereof our on reading-table i……(内容加载失败!)




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