In paring modern with a manners, leased to pliment ourselves upon the point of gallantry; a certain obsequiousness, or deferential respect, which we are supposed to pay to females, as females.

I shall believe that this principle actuates our duct, when I fet, that in the eenth tury of the era from which we date our civility, we are but just beginning to leave off the very frequent practice of whipping females in publi on with the coarsest male offenders.

I shall believe it to be iial, when I shut my eyes to the fact, that in England womeill occasionally -- hanged.

I shall believe in it, when actresses are no longer subject to be hissed off a stage by gentlemen.

I shall believe in it, when Dorimant hands a fish-wife across the kennel; or assists the apple-woman to pick up her wandering fruit, whie unlucky dray has just dissipated. I shall believe in it, when the Dorimants in humbler life, who would be thought in their way notable adepts in this refi, s……(内容加载失败!)




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