AT the north end of Cross-court there yet stands a portal, of some architectural pretensions, though reduced to humble use, serving at present for arao a printing-office. This old doorway, if you are young, reader, you may not know was the identical pit entrao Old Drury -- Garricks Drury -- all of it that is left. I never pass it without shaking some forty years from off my shoulders, recurring to the evening when I passed through it to see my first play. The afternoon had bee, and the dition of oing (the elder folks and myself) was, that the rain should cease. With what a beati did I watch from the window the puddles, from the stillness of which I was taught tnosticate the desired cessation! I seem to remember the last spurt, and the glee with which I ran to annou.

We went with orders, which my godfather F. had sent us. He kept the oil shop (now Daviess) at the er of Featherstone- building, in Holborn. F. was a tall grave person, lofty in speech, and h……(内容加载失败!)




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