February 20th

What a of doors! What is the meaning of these shouts andcries? Ah! I recollect: this is the last day of the ival, and themaskers are passing.

Christianity has not been able to abolish the noisy baaliaivals of the pagan times, but it has ged the hat whichit has given to these "days of liberty" annouhe ending of thefeasts, and the month of fasting which should follow; -ival means,literally, "farewell to flesh!" It is a forty days farewell to the"blessed pullets and fat hams," so celebrated by Pantagruels minstrel.

Man prepares for privation by satiety, and finishes his sin thhlybefore he begins to repent.

Why, in all ages and among every people, do we meet with some ohese mad festivals? Must we believe that it requires su effort formen to be reasohat the weaker ones have need of rest atintervals? The monks of La Trappe, who are o silence by theirrule, are allowed to speak on a month, and on this day they all talkat once from the ri……(内容加载失败!)




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