Juh, Four Oclock A.M.

I am not surprised at hearing, when I awake, the birds singing sojoyfully outside my window; it is only by living, as they and I do, in atop story, that one es to know how cheerful the ms really are upamong the roofs. It is there that the sun sends his first rays, and thebreeze es with the fragrance of the gardens and woods; there that awandering butterfly sometimes ventures among the flowers of the attid that the songs of the industrious work-woman wele the dawn of day.

The lower stories are still deep in sleep, silence, and shadow, whilehere labor, light, and song already reign.

What life is around me! See the swallow returning from her search forfood, with her beak full of is for her young ohe sparrowsshake the dew from their wings while they chase one another in thesunshine; and my neighbors throw open their windows, and wele them with their fresh faces! Delightful hour of waking, whehiurns to feeling and to motio……(内容加载失败!)




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