August 3d, Nine Oclock P.M.

There are days whehing appears gloomy to us; the world, like thesky, is covered by a dark fog. Nothing seems in its place; we see onlymisery, improvidence, and cruelty; the world seems without God, and givenup to all the evils of ce.

Yesterday I was in this unhappy humor. After a long walk in thefaubs, I returned home, sad and dispirited.

Everything I had seen seemed to accuse the civilization of which we areso proud! I had wandered into a little by-street, with which I was notacquainted, and I found myself suddenly in the middle of those dreadfulabodes where the poor are born, to languish and die. I looked at thosedeg walls, which time has covered with a foul leprosy; thosewindows, from which dirty rags hang out to dry; those fetid gutters,which coil along the fronts of the houses like venomous reptiles!

I felt oppressed with grief, and hastened on.

A little farther on I was stopped by the hearse of a hospi……(内容加载失败!)




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