X August

CARAVAGGIO CAME DOWairs through darkness and into the kit. Some celery oable, some turnips whose roots were still muddy. The only light came from a fire Hana had retly started. She had her ba and had not heardhis steps into the room. His days at the villa had loosened his body and freed his tenseness, so he seemed bigger, more sprawled out in his gestures. Only his silenovement remained. Otherwise there was an easy ineffi now, a sleepio his gestures.

He dragged out the chair so she would turn, realize he was in the room.

“Hello, David.” He raised his arm. He felt that he had been is for too long.

“How is he?” “Asleep. Talked himself out.” “Is he what you thought he was?” “He’s fine. We let him be.” “I thought so. Kip and I are both sure he is English. Kip thinks the best people are etrics, he worked with one.” “I think Kip is the etric myself. Where is he, anyway?” “He’s plotting something oerrace, doesn’t wa there. Something for my b……(内容加载失败!)




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