正文 Chapter 2

Chapter 2

As they ehey saw Dorian Gray. He was seated at the piano, with his back to them, turning over the pages of a volume of Schumanns "Forest Ses." "You must lehese, Basil," he cried. "I want to learhey are perfectly charming."

"That entirely depends on how you sit to-day, Dorian."

"Oh, I am tired of sitting, and I dont want a life-sized portrait of myself," answered the lad, swinging round on the music-stool in a wilful, petulant manner. When he caught sight of Lord Henry, a faint blush coloured his cheeks for a moment, aarted up. "I beg your pardon, Basil, but I didnt know you had any oh you."

"This is Lord Henry Wotton, Dorian, an old Oxford friend of mine. I have just been telling him what a capital sitter you were, and now you have spoiled everything."

"You have not spoiled my pleasure iing you, Mr. Gray," said Lord Henry, stepping forward aending his hand. "My aunt has often spoken to me about you. You are one of her favourites, and, I am afr……(内容加载失败!)




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