正文 Chapter 6

Chapter 6

I suppose you have heard the news, Basil?" said Lord Henry that evening as Hallward was shown into a little private room at the Bristol where dinner had been laid for three.

"No, Harry," answered the artist, giving his hat and coat to the bowing waiter. "What is it? Nothing about politics, I hope! They dont i me. There is hardly a single person in the House of ons worth painting, though many of them would be the better for a little whitewashing."

"Dorian Gray is eo be married," said Lord Henry, watg him as he spoke.

Hallward started and then frowned. "Dorian eo be married!" he cried. "Impossible!"

"It is perfectly true."

"To whom?"

"To some little actress or other."

"I t believe it. Dorian is far too sensible."

"Dorian is far too wise not to do foolish things now and then, my dear Basil."

"Marriage is hardly a thing that one do now and then, Harry."

"Except in America," rejoined Lord Henry languidly. "But I didnt say he was married. I said he……(内容加载失败!)




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