正文 Chapter 7

Chapter 7

For some reason or other, the house was crowded that night, and the fat Jew manager who met them at the door was beaming from ear to ear with an oily tremulous smile. He escorted them to their box with a sort of pompous humility, waving his fat jewelled hands and talking at the top of his voice. Dorian Gray loathed him more than ever. He felt as if he had e to look for Miranda and had bee by Caliban. Lord Henry, upoher hand, rather liked him. At least he declared he did, and insisted on shaking him by the hand and assuring him that he roud to meet a man who had discovered a real genius and gone bankrupt over a poet. Hallward amused himself with watg the faces i. The heat was terribly oppressive, and the huge sunlight flamed like a monstrous dahlia with petals of yellow fire. The youths in the gallery had taken off their coats and waistcoats and hung them over the side. They talked to each other across the theatre and shared their es with the t……(内容加载失败!)




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