正文 Chapter 12

Chapter 12

It was on the ninth of November, the eve of his own thirty-eighth birthday, as he often remembered afterwards.

He was walking home about eleven oclock from Lord Henrys, where he had been dining, and was ed in heavy furs, as the night was cold and foggy. At the er of Grosvenor Square and South Audley Street, a man passed him in the mist, walking very fast and with the collar of his grey ulster turned up. He had a bag in his hand. Dorian reized him. It was Basil Hallward. A strange sense of fear, for which he could not at, came over him. He made no sign nition a on quickly in the dire of his own house.

But Hallward had seen him. Dorian heard him first stopping on the pavement and then hurrying after him. In a few moments, his hand was on his arm.

"Dorian! What araordinary piece of luck! I have been waiting for you in your library ever sinine oclock. Finally I took pity on your tired servant and told him to go to bed, as he let me out. I am off ……(内容加载失败!)




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