THE NEW YORKER FI by Doris Lessing February 26, 1955

The rains that year were good; they were ing nicely just as the crops hem—or saret gathered when the men said they were not too bad. She never had an opinion of her own on matters like the weather, because even to know about a simple thing like the weather needs experience, which Margaret, born and brought up in Johannesburg, had not got. The men were her husband, Richard, and old Stephen, Richard’s father, who was a farmer from way back, and these two might argue for hours over whether the rains were ruinous or just ordinarily exasperating. Margaret had been on the farm for three years now. She still did not uand why they did not go bankrupt altogether, when the men never had a good word for the weather, or the soil, or the gover. But she was getting to learn the language. Farmers’ language. And she noticed that for all Richard’s and Stephen’s plaints, they did not go bankrupt. Nor did they get ……(内容加载失败!)




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