I did not speak as we drove through the deserted streets, for my mind was curiously empty of familiar thoughts and experiences; it seemed to have been plucked out of the definite world and cast naked upon a shoreless sea. There were moments when the vision appeared on the point of returning, and I would half?remember, with aasy of joy or sorrow, crimes and heroisms, fortunes and misfortunes; in to plate, with a sudden leaping of the heart, hopes and terrors, desires and ambitions, alien to my orderly and careful life; and then I would awake shuddering at the thought that some great imponderable being had swept through my mind. It was indeed days before this feeling passed perfectly away, and even now, when I have sought refuge in the only definite faith, I feel a great tolerance for those people with i personalities, who gather in the chapels aing?places of certain obscure sects, because I also have felt fixed habits and principles dissolving before a ……(内容加载失败!)




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