FLORENTINO ARIZA, oher hand, had not stopped thinking of her for a single moment since Fermina Daza had re-jected him out of hand after a long and troubled love affair fifty-one years, nine months, and four days ago. He did not have to keep a run-ning tally, drawing a line for each day on the walls of a cell, because not a day had passed that something did not happen to remind him of her. At the time of their separation he lived with his mother, Tránsito Ariza, in one half of a rented house oreet of Windows, where she had kept a notions shop ever since she was a young woman, and where she also unraveled shirts and s to sell as bandages for the men wounded in the war. He was her only child, born of an occasional alliah the well-known shipowner Don Pius V Loayza, one of the three brothers who had fouhe River pany of the Caribbean and thereby given new impetus to steam navigation along the Magdalena River.

Don Pius V Loayza died when his son was ten years……(内容加载失败!)




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