AT THE AGE of twe, Dr. Juvenal Urbino had been the most desirable of bachelors. He had returned from a long stay in Paris, where he had pleted advaudies in medie and surgery, and from the time he set foot on solid ground he gave over-whelming indications that he had not wasted a minute of his time. He returned more fastidious than when he left, more in trol of his nature, and none of his poraries seemed as rigorous and as learned as he in his sce, and none could dater to the music of the day or improvise as well on the piano. Seduced by his personal charms and by the certainty of his family fortuhe girls in his circle held secret lotteries to determine who would spend time with him, and he gambled, too, on being with them, but he mao keep himself in a state of grace, intad tempting, until he succumbed without resistao the plebeian charms of Fermina Daza.

He liked to say that this love was the result of a ical error. He himself could not believe that it ……(内容加载失败!)




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