THE DAY THAT Florentino Ariza saw Fermina Daza irium of the Cathedral, in the sixth month of her pregnand in full and of her new dition as a woman of the world, he made a fierce decision to win fame and fortune in order to deserve her. He did not even stop to think about the obstacle of her being married, because at the same time he decided, as if it depended on himself alohat Dr. Juvenal Urbino had to die. He did not know when or how, but he sidered it aable event that he was resolved to wait for without impatience or violence, even till the end of time.

He began at the beginning. He presented himself unannounced in the office of Uncle Leo XII, President of the Board of Directors and General Manager of the River pany of the Caribbean, and ex-pressed his willio yield to his plans. His uncle was angry with him because of the manner in which he had thrown away the good position of telegraph operator in Villa de Leyva, but he allowed him-self to be swayed ……(内容加载失败!)




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