ON THE OCCASION of the celebration of the new tury, there was an innovative program of public ceremohe most memorable of which was the first journey in a balloon, the fruit of the boundless initiative of Dr. Juvenal Urbino. Half the city gathered on the Arsenal Beach to express their wonderment at the ast of the enormous balloon made of taffeta in the colors of the flag, which carried the first airmail to San Juan de la aga, some thirty leagues to the northeast as the crow flies. Dr. Juvenal Urbino and his wife, who had experiehe excitement of flight at the World’s Fair in Paris, were the first to climb into the wicker basket, followed by the pilot and six distinguished guests. They were carrying a letter from the Governor of the Provio the municipal officials of San Juan de la aga, in which it was doted for all time that this was the first mail transported through the air. A journalist from the ercial Daily asked Dr. Juvenal Urbino for his final words……(内容加载失败!)




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