John Donne Selected Poems-9


WHEN my grave is broke up again

Some sed guest to eain,

—Fraves have learnd that woman-head,

To be to more than one a bed—

Ahat digs it, spies

A bracelet ht hair about the bone,

Will he not let us alone,

And think that there a loving couple lies,

Who thought that this device might be some way

To make their souls at the last busy day

Meet at this grave, and make a little stay?

If this fall in a time, or land,

Where mass-devotion doth and,

Thehat digs us up will bring

Us to the bishop or the king,

To make us relics ; then

Thou shalt be a Mary Magdalen, and I

A something else thereby ;

All women shall adore us, and some men.

And, si such time miracles are sought,

I would have that age by this paper taught

What miracles we harmless lovers wrought.

First we loved well and faithfully,

Yet knew not what we loved, nor why ;

Difference of sex we never knew,

No more than guardian angels do ;

ing and going we

Perce might kiss, but not between those me……(内容加载失败!)




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