My friend the Moon

Alo sea in the indaight,

I found a moon slumbering tight.

I called out his name so his dreaming would end,

“Dear Mr. Moon, would you be my friend?”

He happily came right down to my boat,

“How oddly, “ he said, “you keep you afloat.”

“I am swinging on a star,

And I think it much better, much better by far!”

And the moon began to rod sway,

To show he had a better way.

He even did a great back flip,

Which had always been his favourite trick.

But then string tore with a SNAP!

“Oh dear!” I cried, “What a mishap!”

He fell right down in a quick flash,

And hit the water with a SPLASH!

He began to sink and did not stop,

Til all I saw his moon-top.

But then he showed a great knack,

For floating up on to his back.

But I could not just watch him float,

So helped him up into my boat.

I took my towel and dried him off,

So that he would not catch a cough.

And then I began to row to shore,

So that he could dry some more.

And somehow got him trough the door,……(内容加载失败!)




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Dear little Fish目录+书签Goodnight Little Moon