Goodnight Little Moon

High up above in the blue starry sky,

The moowo birds a soft lullaby.

Soon one by ohey drifted to sleep,

‘Til there wasn’t a chirp or otle cheep.

When the moon saw they both were at rest,

He took his big book and covered their .

The moon tiptoed bato the dark night,

To keep his sweet chicks safely in sight.

But later that eve, the little moon heard,

The twitter and chirp of a new baby bird.

And as he crept to the for a peak,

The little moon saw a third chirping beak!

Why, they weren’t asleep.

Not a single, sole one!

They were laughing and playing and having such fun.

Now the little moon was so glad that he came,

And climbed in the for a little bird game.

But soon the moon had a very great thirst,

And wao have a little drink first.

The three baby birds found a bottle to spare,

And filled it with milk for the four to share.

But the moon was so thirsty he took a big sip,

And as he leaned back, he started to slip!

He stumbled and tumbled right over the……(内容加载失败!)




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