Whether by luck or act I ot say, but I found my way to the library a full twenty minutes earlier than I had been ao attend. It was not a problem. What better place to kill time than a library? And for me, what better way to get to know someohan through her choid treatment of books?

My first impression was of the room as a whole, and it struck me by its marked difference from the rest of the house. The other rooms were thick with the corpses of suffocated words; here in the library you could breathe. Instead of being shrouded in fabric, it was a room made of wood. There were floorboards underfoot, shutters at the tall windows and the walls were lined with solid oak shelves.

It was a high room, much lohan it was wide. On one side five arched windows reached from ceiling almost to floor; at their base window seats had been installed. Fag them were five similarly shaped mirrors, positioo reflect the view outside, but tonight eg the carved panels of the shut……(内容加载失败!)




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