On my last day Miss Wiold me about Dr. and Mrs. Maudsley.

Leaving gates open and wandering into other people’s houses was ohing, walking off with a baby in its pram was quite ahe fact that the baby, when it was found, was discovered to be he worse for its temporary disappearance was beside the point. Things had got out of hand; a was called for.

The villagers didn’t feel able to approach Charlie directly about it. They uood that things were stra the house, and they were half afraid to go there. Whether it was Charlie or Isabelle or the ghost that enced them to keep their distance is hard to say. Instead, they approached Dr. Maudsley. This was not the doctor whose failure to arrive promptly may or may not have caused the death in childbirth of Isabelle’s mother, but a new man who had served the village fht or nine years at this time.

Dr. Maudsley was not young, yet though he was in his middle forties he gave the impression of youth. He was not tall, n……(内容加载失败!)




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