There was nothing the new governess couldn’t do if she put her mind to it.

That’s how it seemed at first, anyway.

But after a time difficulties did begin to emerge. The first thing was her argument with the Missus. Hester, having tidied and ed rooms ahem locked behind her, ut out to discover them unlocked again. She called the Missus to her. “What need is there,” she asked, “for rooms to be left opehey are not in use? You see what happens: The girls go in as they please and make chaos where there was order before. It makes unnecessary work for you and for me.”

The Missus seemed eo cur, aer left the interview quite satisfied. But a week later, once again, she found doors open that should have been locked, and with a frown called the Missus once again. This time she would accept no vague promises but was determio get to the heart of the matter.

‘It’s the air,“ explaihe Missus. ”Without the air moving about, a house gets dreadful damp.“

Hester ……(内容加载失败!)




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