A great many years had passed since I learhe phoic alphabet. It began with a chart in a linguistics book in father’s shop. There was no reason for my i at first, other than that I had nothing to do one weekend and was enamored of the signs and symbols it taihere were familiar letters and fhere were capital N’s that weren’t the same as little n’s and capital K’s that weren’t the same as little k’s. Other letters, n’s and d’s and s’s and z’s, had funny little tails and loops attached, and you could cross h’s and i’s and u’s as if they were t’s. I loved these wild and fanciful hybrids: I filled pages of paper with m’s that turned into j’s, and v’s that perched precariously on tiny o’s like perf dogs on balls at the circus. My father came ay pages of symbols and taught me the sounds that went with each. Iernational phoic alphabet, I discovered, you could write words that looked like math, words that looked like secret code, words that loo……(内容加载失败!)




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