The day I woke to it: today, today, today. A tolling bell only I could hear. The twilight seemed to have peed my soul; I felt ahly weariness. My birthday. My deathday.

Judith brought a card from my father with the breakfast tray. A picture of flowers, his habitual, vaguely worded greetings and a note. He hoped I was well. He was well. He had some books for me. Should he send them? My mother had not sighe card; he had sig for both of them. Love from Dad and Mother. It was all wrong. I k and he k, but what could anyone do?

Judith came. “Miss Winter says would now… ?”

I slid the card under my pillow before she could see it. “Now would be fine,” I said, and picked up my pencil and pad.

‘Have you been sleeping well?“ Miss Winter wao know, and then, ”You look a little pale. You do enough.“

‘I’m fine,“ I assured her, though I wasn’t.

All m I struggled with the sensation of stray wisps of one world seeping through the cracks of another. Do you kno……(内容加载失败!)




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