The Garden Of The Prophet (3)

The Garden Of The Prophet (3)

And on a m when the sun was high, one of the disciples, one of those three who had played with him in childhood, approached him saying: "Master, my garment is worn, and I have no ive me leave to go unto the market-plad bargain that perce I may procure me new raiment."

And Almustafa looked upon the young man, and he said: "Give me yarment." And he did so and stood naked in the noonday.

And Almustafa said in a voice that was like a young steed running upon a road: "Only the naked live in the sun. Only the artless ride the wind. And he alone who loses his way a thousand times shall have a home-ing.

"The angels are tired of the clever. And it was but yesterday that an angel said to me: We created hell for those who glitter. What else but fire erase a shining surfad melt a thing to its core?

"And I said: But iing hell you created devils to govern hell. But the angel answered: Nay, hell is governed by those who do not yield to f……(内容加载失败!)




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