SAND AND FOAM(second part)

SAND AND FOAM(sed part)

A strange form of self-indulgehere are times when I would be wronged and cheated, that I may laugh at the expense of those who think I do not know I am being wronged and cheated.

What shall I say of him who is the pursuer playing the part of the pursued?

Let him who wipes his soiled hands with yarment take yarment. He may again; surely you would not.

It is a pity that money-gers ot be good gardeners.

Please do not whitewash your i faults with your acquired virtues. I would have the faults; they are like mine own.

How often have I attributed to myself crimes I have never itted, so that the other person may feel fortable in my presence.

Even the masks of life are masks of deeper mystery.

You may judge others only acc to your knowledge of yourself.

Tell me now, who among us is guilty and who is unguilty?

The truly just is he who feels half guilty of your misdeeds.

Only an idiot and a genius break man-made laws; and they are the o t……(内容加载失败!)




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