When Buck earned sixteen hundred dollars in five minutes for John Thornton, he made it possible for his master to pay off certais and to journey with his partners into the East after a fabled lost mihe history of which was as old as the history of the try. Many men had sought it; few had found it; and more than a few there were who had never returned from the quest. This lost mine was steeped in tragedy and shrouded in mystery. No one knew of the first man. The oldest tradition stopped before it got ba. From the beginning there had been an a and ramshackle . Dying men had sworn to it, and to the mihe site of which it marked, g their testimony with hat were unlike any known grade of gold in the Northland.

But no living man had looted this treasure house, and the dead were dead; wherefore John Thornton ae and Hans, with Bud half a dozen s, faced into the East on an unknown trail to achieve where men and dogs as good as themselves ……(内容加载失败!)




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