I the on to explain that I found myself peculiarly un?tted for the situation offered to me, not merely by my political opinions, but by the very stitution and habits of my mind. "My whole course of life," I observed, "has beeory, and I am un?tted for any periodically recurring task, or any stipulated labor of body or mind. I have no and of my talents, such as they are, and have to watch the varyings of my mind as I would those of a weathercock. Practid training may bring me more into rule; but at present I am as useless fular service as one of my own try Indians or a Don Cossack.

"I must, therefore, keep oy much as I have begun; writing when I , not when I would. I shall occasionally shift my residend write whatever is suggested by objects before me, or whatever rises in my imagination; and hope to write better and more copiously by and by.

I am playing the egotist, but I know er way of answering your proposal than by showing what a very good-for-nothin……(内容加载失败!)




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