Omne bene

Sine poena

Tempua est ludendi.

Venit hora

Absque mora

Libros deponendi.


IN the preg paper I have made some general observations on the Christmas festivities of England, and am tempted to illustrate them by some aes of a Christmas passed in the try; in perusing which I would most courteously invite my reader to lay aside the austerity of wisdom, and to put on that genuine holiday spirit which is tolerant of folly and anxious only for amusement.

In the course of a December tour in Yorkshire, I rode for a long distan one of the public coaches on the day preg Christmas. The coach was crowded, both inside and out, with passengers who, by their talk, seemed principally bound to the mansions of relations or friends to eat the Christmas dinner. It was loaded also with hampers of game and baskets and boxes of delicacies, and hares hung dangling their long ears about the ans box, presents from distant friends for the impendi. I ……(内容加载失败!)




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