Go, little booke, God send thee good passage,

And specially let this be thy prayere,

Unto them all that thee will read or hear,

Where thou art wrong, after their help to call,

Thee to corre any part or all.

CHAUCERS Belle Dame sans Mercie.

IN cluding a sed volume of the Sketch Book the Author ot but express his deep sense of the indulgeh which his ?rst has been received, and of the liberal disposition that has been evio treat him with kindness as a stranger. Even the critics, whatever may be said of them by others, he has found to be a singularly gentle and good-natured race; it is true that each has in turn objected to some one or two articles, and that these individual exceptions, taken in the aggregate, would amount almost to a total nation of his work; but then he has been soled by that what one has particularly sured another has as particularly praised; and thus, the ens bei off against the objes, he ?nds his work, upon the whole, ended far beyond……(内容加载失败!)




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