Chapter 5 SUNDAYS

NOW the winter seemed long. Laura and Mary began to be tired of staying always in the house. Especially on Sundays, the time went so slowly.

Every Sunday Mary and Laura were dressed from the skin out in their best clothes, with fresh ribbons in their hair. They were very , because they had their baths on Saturday night.

In the summer they were battled in water from the spring. But in the wiime Pa filled and heaped the washtub with snow, and on the cookstove it melted to water. Then close by the warm stove, behind a s made of a bla over two chairs, Ma bathed Laura, and thehed Mary.

Laura was bathed first, because she was littler than Mary. She had to go to bed early on Saturday nights, with Charlotte, because after she was bathed and put into her nightgown, Pa must empty the washtub and fill it with snow again for Marys bath. Then after Mary came to bed, Ma had her bath behind the bla, and then Pa had his. And they were all , for Sunday.

On Sundays Mar……(内容加载失败!)




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Chapter 4: CHRISTMAS目录+书签-->