Chapter 12 The Wonderful MACHINE

day Pa cut the heads from several bundles of the oats, and brought the , bright, yellow straws to Ma. She put them in a tub of water, to soften them ahem soft. The in the chair by the side of the tub, and braided the straws.

She took up several of them, kheir ends together, and began to braid. The straws were differehs, and when she came he end of oraw, she put a new, long one from the tub in its plad went on braiding. She let the end of the braid fall bato the water a on braiding till she had many yards of braid. All her spare time for or days, she was braiding straws.

She made a fine, narrow, smooth braid, using seven of the smallest straws. She used nine larger straws for a wider braid, and made it notched all along the edges. And from the very, largest straws she made the widest braid of all.

When all the straws were braided, she threaded a needle with strong white thread, and beginning at the end of a braid she sewed it round and round, holding the……(内容加载失败!)




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Chapter 11 HARVEST目录+书签-->