Chapter 13 The DEER In The Wood

The HE grass was dry and withered, and the ust be taken out of the woods a in the barn to be fed. All the bright-colored leaves became dull browhe cold fall rains began.

There was no more playing uhe trees. But Pa was in the house when it rained, and he began again to play the fiddle after supper.

Then the rains stopped. The weather grew colder. In the early ms everything sparkled with frost. The days were growing short and a little fire burned all day in the cookstove to keep the house warm. Winter was not far away.

The attid the cellar were full of good things once more, and Laura and Mary had started to make patchwork quilts. Everything was beginning to be snug and cosy again.

One night when he came in from doing the chores Pa said that after supper he would go to his deer-lid watch for a deer. There had been no fresh meat itle house since spring, but now the fawns were grown up, and Pa would go hunting again.

Pa had made a deer-lick, in an open pla ……(内容加载失败!)




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