What If

Last night, while I lay thinking here,

some Whatifs crawled inside my ear

and pranced and partied all night long

and sang their same old Whatif song:

Whatif Im dumb in school?

Whatif theyve closed the swimming pool?

Whatif I get beat up?

Whatif theres poison in my cup?

Whatif I start to cry?

Whatif I get sid die?

Whatif I flunk that test?

Whatif green hair grows on my chest?

Whatif nobody likes me?

Whatif a bolt of lightning strikes me?

Whatif I dont grow talle?

Whatif my head starts getting smaller?

Whatif the fish wont bite?

Whatif the wind tears up my kite?

Whatif they start a war?

Whatif my parents get divorced?

Whatif the bus is late?

Whatif my teeth dont grow in straight?

Whatif I tear my pants?

Whatif I never learn to dance?

Everything seems well, and then

the nighttime Whatifs strike again!


Geraldine now,stop shaking that cow

For heavens sake,for yoursake and the cows sake.

Thats the dumbest way Ive seen

To make a milk shake.





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