
And his mind clicked another notch. Check... cheg.., cheg in? He looked to the ceiling. Cheg in? Yes, that was it. He closed his eyes and thought for a sed. No. Nothing. What, then? , dont fail now. Think, damn it, think. New Bern.

The thought popped into his head just then. Yes, New Bern. That was it. The little detail, or part of it. What else, though?

New Berhought again, and khe name. Khe town a little, mainly from a few trials he had been in. Stopped there a few times on the way to the coast. Nothing special. He and Allie had never beeogether.

But Allie had been there before ... And the rack tightes grip, another part ing together.

Another part.., but there was more ...

Allie, New Bern... and.., and.., something at a party. A ent in passing. From Allies mother. Hed hardly noticed it. But what had she said?

And Lon paled then, remembering. Remembering what had been said so long ago. Remembering what Allies mother had said.

It was something about Al……(内容加载失败!)




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Reunion目录+书签Kayaks and Forgotten Dreams