Kayaks and Forgotten Dreams

Allie woke early the m, forced by the incessant chirping of starlings, and rubbed her eyes, feeling the stiffness in her body. She hadnt slept well, waking after every dream, and she remembered seeing the hands of the clo different positions during the night, as if verifying the passage of time.

Shed slept in the soft shirt hed given her, and she smelled him once again while thinking about the evening theyd spent together. The easy laughter and versation came back to her, and she especially remembered the way hed talked about her painting.

It was so ued, yet uplifting, and as the words began to replay in her mind, she realized how sorry she would have been had she decided not to see him again.

She looked out the window and watched the chattering birds search for food in early light. Noah, she knew, had always been a m person who greeted dawn in his own way. She knew he liked to kayak or oe, and she remembered the one m shed spent with him in his oe, wa……(内容加载失败!)




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