Swans and Storms

They sat in the middle of a small lake fed by the waters of Brices Creek. It wasnt large, maybe a hundred yards across, and she was surprised at how invisible it had been just moments before.

It ectacular. Tundra swan and ada geese literally surrouhem. Thousands of them. Birds floating so close together in some places that she couldhe water. From a distahe groups of swans looked almost like icebergs.

"Oh, Noah," she finally said softly, "its beautiful.

They sat in silence for a long while, watg the birds. Noah pointed out a group of chicks, retly hatched, following a pack of geese he shore, struggling to keep up.

The air was filled with honking and chirping as Noah moved the oe through the water. The birds ighem for the most part. The only ones who seemed bothered were those forced to move when the oe approached them. Allie reached out to touch the closest ones aheir feathers ruffling under her fingers.

Noah brought out the bag of bread hed brought earl……(内容加载失败!)




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