
Later that m, three men - two lawyers and the judge - sat in chambers while Lon finished speaking. It was a moment before the judge answered.

"Its an unusual request," he said, p the situation. "It seems to me the trial could very well end today. Are you saying this urgent matter t wait until later this evening or tomorrow?

"No, Your Honor, it t," Lon answered almost too quickly. Stay relaxed, he told himself. Take a deep breath.

"And it has nothing to do with this case?"

"No, Your Honor. Its of a personal nature. I know its out of the ordinary, but I really o take care of it." Good, better.

The judge leaned ba his chair, evaluating him for a moment. "Mr. Bates, how do you feel about this?"

He cleared his throat. "Mr. Hammond called me this m and Ive already spoken to my ts. Theyre willing to postpoil Monday."

"I see," the judge said. "And do you believe it is in your ts best is to do this?"

"I believe so," he said. "Mr. Hammond has agreed to reopen disc……(内容加载失败!)




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