
Nah opehe door for Anne Nelson as she went out.

"Good-bye, Noah," she said quietly.

He nodded without speaking. There wasnt anything else to say; they both khat. She turned from him a, closing the door behind her. Noah watched her walk to her car, get in, and drive away without looking back. She was a strong womahought to himself, and he knew where Allie got it from.

Noah peeked in the living room, saw Allie sitting with her head down, theo the back porch, knowing that she o be alone. He sat quietly in his rocker and watched the water drifting by as the minutes passed.

After what seemed like ay he heard the back door open. He didnt turn to look at her just then - for some reason he couldnt - and he listened as she sat in the chair beside him.

"Im sorry," Allie said. "I had no idea this would happen."

Noah shook his head. "Dont be sorry. We both k was ing in some form or another."

"Its still hard."

"I know." He finally turo her, reag for her hand. "Is th……(内容加载失败!)




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