
I put the pages aside and remember sitting with Allie on our porch when she read this letter for the first time. It was late afternoon, with red streaks cutting the summer sky, and the last remnants of the day were fading. The sky was slowly ging color, and as I was watg the sun go down, I remember thinking about that brief, flickering moment when day suddenly turns into night.

Dusk, I realized then, is just an illusion, because the sun is either above the horizon or below it. And that means that day and night are linked in a way that few things are; there ot be ohout the other, yet they ot exist at the same time.

How would it feel, I remember w, to be always together, yet forever apart?

Looking back, I find it ironic that she chose to read the letter at the exaent that question popped into my head. It is ironic, of course, because I know the answer now. I know what its like to be day and night now; always together, forever apart.

There is beauty where ……(内容加载失败!)




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