Chapter 3

The swift December dusk had e tumbling ishly after its dull day and, as he stared through the dull square of the window of the schoolroom, he felt his belly crave for its food. He hoped there would be stew for diurnips and carrots and bruised potatoes and fat mutton pieces to be ladled out in thick peppered flour-fattened sauce. Stuff it into you, his belly selled him.

It would be a gloomy secret night. After early nightfall the yellos would light up, here and there, the squalid quarter of the brothels. He would follow a devious course up and dowreets, cirg always nearer and nearer in a tremor of fear and joy, until his feet led him suddenly round a dark er. The whores would be just ing out of their houses making ready for the night, yawning lazily after their sleep aling the hairpins in their clusters of hair. He would pass by them calmly waiting for a sudden movement of his own will or a sudden call to his sin-loving soul from their soft perfumed fles……(内容加载失败!)




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